"So Andalinae.... such a lovely painting. Could you please tell me what inspired you to pose for something so elegant?" asks Liang.
"This commer artist talked me into it .. so I agreed if it was where there was none around. It was chilly that evening mind you. I let him inspire me so I became his muse.. I sat for him and enjoyed the fact someone tought i would be good enough to be painted." replies Andalinae
Liang smirks "How lovely.... so, were you surprised that this artist entered this work for the bordello contest?"
"Yes I was and most so that it won and now for all to see.. when will that painting come down or will it? Its a beatiful frame you choose Domina" replies Andalinae.
"The painting will be exchanged or next month's winner.... but it will always be available for Karsteini to gaze upon" adds Liang with a chuckle.
"oh where will you hang it then Domina ?... Maybe the artist wants his work known, perhaps he will ask to paint me again if i should agree to pose for him , then he might enter again for the following month.. I think he pays fairly well for me to sit for him Domina Liang"
"I hope the artist agree...the judges were very impressed with his work.... so tell me, what does it feel like to have your image on the bordello wall?"
"I am not sure really , to be honest I am still in that state of shock , I really hope no one gets the wong Idea and thinks I am a .. woman that .. well I am sure you know what i mean Domina , a lady of your house per says.
I mean That is for some folks I suppose to enjoy the lustfull sin of pleasures of the flesh .. but for me its my studies and nightly socializing that I enjoy most" replies Andalinae.
"I think the image is a very tasteful nude. Sense you were not doing anything... naughty in the painting, I doubt others will get the wrong idea" Liang says with a chuckle.
"Then I will tell the artist I wish him to paint me again for the contest .. its riska and daring I think but sensual and not like some artist would paint a lady I think. I suppose I may have to get use to it being hung in the Bordello when he wins if he is that lucky to win again.
What will the next theme be for your next contest Domina Liang ?"
"The next theme is spring... something with flowers would be most lovely"
"I am sure I can find something erotic dealing with flowers maybe and sensual perhaps"
"I look forwards to that"
"Is there anything else you would like to ask of me Domina Liang ?"
"No other questions for now...and thank you for answering"
"Your welcome Domina, thank you for having me sit with you a while and talk , I enjoy your company greatly"