Monday, May 6, 2013

Roof top Fun

Ah, Karns and Bathory get along! See... it's a scene of two Bathory ladies after being lusted a few times. Contessa Britt is having some fun with that Drakuli Gentlemen. Lady Selenity was also lusted... we were making out on the other sides of the Lion's head.

Images from the Karn Festival

Ah, it was a night of lusting... drugs... and even more lusting

It took a small army of Karns to lust Antonio... but at the end... we got up! Proof that a good Karn never gives up! Also, lusting works best when one is semini nude...

Poor Bunnius had too much opium that evening. Think he ended up kidnapping Anton's sister?! Hah... 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Pin Up for October

I would like to congratulate Niobe for becoming the pin up model for the lusty month of October!

I would like to thank Primus Anton for judging!

"Ahh, I have to confess it was by my hand. Apples remind me of Fall and are harvested by humans much like our gift of vitae to the Chosen" said our lusty winner.

Well said! And what a lovely entry from the lovely Niobe! I look forwards to seeing lovely works, such as this for next month.

Domina Liang

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Contest of Lust, Arabian Night's dream

The libertine and the  the perverted have come together... to bring Venexia a day of fun, dancing, and sex!  What better way to show of the talents of both... then a lovely art contest of perversion! To celebrate the lovely opium craze sweeping the city, the winner of this contest will have an Arabian themed Street party...

Luscious Party Event: September 29
It will be a grand affair  by the Karnstein and Lestat sabats! The space between will feature an Arabian Night's themed street party with dancing and fun for all! In the Lestat Teatro del Macabra will be Arabian Night's themed dances and instruction! In the Bordello di Venus Destato, a lovely sensual drug induced orgy!

(Times of certain events to be annoucned later )

Deadline: for the art contest:
September 21

The theme for the paintings must be sensual
Arabian Night themed attire optional
They must be done on sim or in your Venexia apartment
Nudity is allowed
Please follow the sim dress code...


1st place:
A grand Arabian Night's them orgy/party in your honor!
A 500g
Your lovely painting in the bordello
Painting in the Karnsteini blog
Attire designed by the talented attendant, Katelyn Stark (Puchie Fallen), for you or a lady friend

2nd place:
Painting in the Karnsteini blog

3rd place:
Painting in the Karnsteini blog

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Lady Morbid's interview

I bring you my wonder interview with the fashion forwards and newly promoted Lady Morbid!

"Lady Morid, word is you are one of the more avant garde designers int he fashion word, what brings you to the dark city of Venexia?"

Smokes her opium laced cigarette, the one she is never without, a small regular dose that keeps her in a sustained state of euphoria throughout the day..."Well Domina it was simply the word around Paris that Venexia was the center of our culture!...I had migrated to Paris because as a human that was the place to be...As a chosen....she waves her hand as if gesturing to the entire city...It is Venexia!"

"Your styles are daring, and some might call the a bit risqué?Tell me... what inspires your sensual works?"

Thinks for a moment tapping her ashes off and carelessly onto the floor..."Perhaps there is only one answer for this question. That would have to be...erections. It is by far what inspires me most!"

"I have heard there is an up coming fashion viewing... inspired b the private showings in franc... can you tell me a little more about this show?"

She would become very serious when speaking of the show...."In Paris these things were done behind closed doors. We were human and burdened with our lesser emotions, humility, shame, guilt....She waves these things off with her cigarette dismissively....As chosen our minds are free of such restraints and how do you say...taboos!....We care not concerned, especially as Karnstein, with the effects our exposed flesh may be having on another...There is no reason to hide the curve of a womans frame or the contours of a mans hard rear...She shifts in her seat then as her imagination wanders....What was the question?

"You have gifted the ladies of this fair city with something amazing... the Brassiere! Do you have any other amazing creations for us?"

Smiles and takes a deep drag of her smoke the pride written clearly on her face..."Le superbe soutien gorge magnifique bidule !...she exclaims, then in more serious tone....The Thong and Hot Pants...of course garters to hold up our silk stockings and you can expect The Crotchless Panty to be available soon!"

"And lastly.... is there anything you wish to say to those fashion forwards chosen?"

"It is always better to be slightly underdressed!"...She says this with great confidence not knowing the saying would carry into the future and be uttered by Coco Chanel in the nineteenth century.