Need to woe that charming (snobby...) young miss over? Need to distract that enemy from pulling out their sword? The read one my pretties... my sultry Karnsteini.
(Lust used here on one curious Lestat...)
Each sabat has a unique minor Arcana spell. These spells or gifts can be called upon in times of need. While I can list the others... the one I wish to focus on is the Karnstein Minor Arcana, lust. This wonderful little spell will turn the other's attention to sex. Once the spell begins to work, it becomes easier to use subtle... and maybe not so subtle flirting techniques.
This Arcana can be used in a number of different ways. Lets say, you wish to take that pretty young think back to the bordello for a "private talk" this skill can help you. Or... if you find yourself in another's sabat house, and you want to get a little information from them... turn there attention to sex, and see how fast you can get them to spill their guts! It also works very well on humans...
I have actually used this Arcana to save myself from two different dangerous situations. Now... go out and explore! See how much trouble... erm.. I mean fun you can have. Any interesting lusty tales might be featured here.
Domina Liang
[Minor Arcana, How to use
Lesser Arcana are used by the player typing “/rp Arcana Name” in local chat. (Please note you need to have the rp skill gesture activated in your SGS game folder for this to work ... and if you do not add the intended victim's name at the end it will pick at random)
Where Arcana is the name of the Arcana being used and Name is the whole or part of the name of the player you wish to use the Minor Arcana upon.
There will then be a short pause and the result of the attempt will appear in chat, and RP can proceed accordingly.
[15:40] [SGS] Liang Scorpio attempts to use the Craft of Lust upon Aurorah Magic (OOC info: to redirect all thoughts and actions to those of a sexual nature )
[15:40] [SGS] Liang Scorpio's attempt at Lust begins to work.
Please note that it says, “The Arcana begins to work” these are not cut and dried outcomes. Success indicates that your Arcana can be role played and the other player must except for the moment that you are influencing them. Of course they may themselves use their own Arcana as an antidote to yours, this is perfectly legal, but again must be worked into role play and not just used immediately afterwards to cancel out your success.
Should the same session of role play continue over 5 minutes then the above process should be repeated in order to ascertain if the effect is still working.
If your attempt fails you cannot used Minor Arcana again on the same player until you encounter them again in a fresh round of role play
*I have seen the spell work after failing.... glitch?*]